Friday, April 07, 2006

Discoverer 10g book is #8 on Amazon

I have been keeping an eye on the progress of the new Discoverer 10g Handbook and wondering how long it would take for it to break into the top 10 of all Oracle books being sold on Amazon. Well you can imagine my delight when I woke up this morning to find it at number 8.

When you consider that the book has only been out for 2 weeks, for it to already be in the top 10 of all Oracle books being sold on Amazon this means that you have been buying it. If you are one of the people that have purchased a copy, from the bottom of my heart I say thank you. If you have not bought one yet, why not? :-)

You can buy your copy here: link

1 comment:

Don Burleson said...

Hi Michael,

Your ASR of 6k is great, about 20 books a week. Here are some Amazon notes that you might enjoy:
