Thursday, May 12, 2011

Configuring Discoverer Plus to pre-populate login credentials

Have you ever noticed how Discoverer does not remember your user name, database and EUL whenever you log out and wished there was a way to make it do so?

Well, there is a way but you need to add some parameters to your URL to make it do so.

Let's assume the following:
  • User Name is michael
  • Database is prod
  • EUL is eul5_us
All you need to do is to add switches to your URL and then save it in your favorites. The switches you need are:
  • For User Name  use us=
  • For Database use database=
  • For EUL use eul=
Putting this altogether I can use:

If you are using E-Business Suite you can also pre-populate this setting too by adding: lm=applications, like this:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael, thanks for this info. Can you also tell us how we can create saved connections. After upgrading to 11G, we lost the "Create Connection" option. Can you help? Thanks a million in advance.
